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WJ Cairns & Associates


Member of Intersphere Consulting Organization

Brochure Cover

Commissioned by Occidental of Great Britain, Cairns was lead designer with Bectel International for the oil handling and gas processing terminal for the Piper and Claymore North Sea fields. Cairns undertook the environmental impact assessment, site planning and landscape design of the terminal located in Scapa Flow on a remote island with a crafting community of 80 people.


Cairns worked integrally with the developers from the outset to ensure that environmental criteria were incorporated at the conceptual and detailed design stages through to implementation and ultimate mitigation commitments made with Orkney Islands Council. The RSA British Business and Industry Council conferred its Jubilee Award for Environment, Planning, Architecture and Landscape Design to the Flotta Oil Terminal Project. Flotta was outright winner of the prestigious Association for the Preservation of Rural Scotland Award.

Flotta Oil and Gas Terminal, Scapa Flow, Orkney, Scotland


Flotta Oil Handling Terminal, Orkney

Civic Trust Premier Award Winner  1982

The Terminal


"Flotta is as near a thing of beauty as an oil terminal can be, and it has won international acclaim as a model of what can be achieved by a good relationship between a local authority and a developer". (Graeme Lapsley Chief Executive, Orkney Islands Council)


Dr. Alan Jones and his team from Dundee University carried out a marine ecological assessment of Scapa Flow on behalf of the Orkney Islands Council. The study demonstrated that "Scapa Flow is as healthy now as it was before the terminal came on stream".

tanker at jetty_flotta


Orkney, Flotta Oil and Gas Terminal Design
Flotta cropped with border

Client: Occidental of Great Britain


Copyright Cairns ICL 2013

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